
Calculating the 12th root of 2 with bc...

Since I keep looking this up...

$ bc -l



Letter Block Challenge

With a 13 month old at home, we have a set of 26 letter blocks at home. This evening I came up with a challenge for myself that took far too much of my time: Spell words with all the letters and leave as few as possible left over. The blocks can't be twisted to represent letters that have already been used.
My best so far is 5 blocks left over. Two hours before this post, my best was 6 left over, so obviously not the best use of my time.


New $100 bill

I'm always a fan of money redesigns... I'm looking forward to getting one of these new $100 bills in my hands:
From NewMoney
Above image is a full screen capture of: http://www.youtube.com/uscurrency



Inaguration Gigapan

gigapan screengrab

Click on the image for a large screen capture of a small part of the gigantic 1474 megapixel stitched gigapan photo created by David Bergman.

Jump right to Yo Yo Ma taking an iPhone photo on the gigapan site...


No, it really wasn't photoshopped...

Turns out the photos I thought were fake really showed up in the live video of the debate: